MOO Producer Transfer for previously appointed agents
This only applies to agents who were previously appointed with MOO with a different IMO.
To avoid future contracting issues and commission errors when you write products follow these steps.
1. Send an email to MOO contracting terminating your contract with your previous IMO. This will not release you from the 6-month term but it will prevent when you write an application from inadvertently be submitted to your under your previous IMO and causing further issues.
“Effectively immediately please terminate my contract with (previous company) producer #000000” (Make sure you don’t have any pending applications prior to terminating.
2. Call Mutual of Omaha contracting department (800) 867-6873 and ask for each specific product below when you can write under FFL and be paid under FFL hierarchy. MOO does it by product which is why this is very important you know this. Download this product form when you call MOO.
Term Life Express
Living Promise/Final Expense
Children’s Whole Life
Guaranteed Universal Life Express
Term Life Answers – fully underwritten
Accidental Death Guaranteed Advantage
Medicare Supplement
Long Term Care
Critical Illness/Disability/ Cancer Critical